Sourcecodes - [C#] GPS über serielle Schnittstelle abfragen

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[C#] GPS über serielle Schnittstelle abfragen

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Keywords: .net 2.0, GPS Abfragen, serielle Schnittstelle, C#, GPS parser

Der folgende Code baut eine serielle Verbindung zum GPS Receiver auf, und fragt die Position per GGA und RMC im NMEA Standard ab.

Bei Bluetooth Geräten muss man das Gerät einfach auf einen COM Port legen.

Der Code stellt nur die Grundlage Abfragen von Daten von einem GPS Gerät dar.


using System; //denke mir das es so Richtig ist und nicht(System;ii.)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;


GGA  = Global Positioning System Fix Data

1    = UTC of Position
2    = Latitude
3    = N or S
4    = Longitude
5    = E or W
6    = GPS quality indicator (0=invalid; 1=GPS fix; 2=Diff. GPS fix)
7    = Number of satellites in use [not those in view]
8    = Horizontal dilution of position
9    = Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid)
10   = Meters  (Antenna height unit)
11   = Geoidal separation (Diff. between WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and
       mean sea level.  -=geoid is below WGS-84 ellipsoid)
12   = Meters  (Units of geoidal separation)
13   = Age in seconds since last update from diff. reference station
14   = Diff. reference station ID#
15   = Checksum

namespace gps
    class GPSData : System.EventArgs
        public string[] gpsdata = new string[23];
        public bool        DataReceived;

        public GPSData()
            DataReceived = false;
            for(int u = 0; u < gpsdata.Length; u++)
                gpsdata[u]    = "";            
        public bool GotPosition() { return DataReceived;}
        public void AddGPSString(string GPSString)
        public void AddGGA(string GPSString)
            if(GPSString.Substring(0, 7) != "$GPGGA,")
            DataReceived = true;
            //Number of , (max 23 ,)
            int x = 1;
            //GGA Datas
            gpsdata[0] = "$GPGGA,";
            gpsdata[1] = "";
            for(int i = 7; i < GPSString.Length; i++)
                if(x >=  gpsdata.Length) {}
                else if(GPSString[i] == ',')
                    gpsdata[x] = "";
                    gpsdata[x] += GPSString[i];
        //RMC Recommended minimum sentence C
        public void AddRMC(string GPSString)
            if(GPSString.Substring(0, 7) != "$GPRMC,")
            DataReceived = true;
            string[] RMCData = new string[13];
            for(int u = 0; u < RMCData.Length; u++)
                RMCData[u]    = "";                
            //Number of , (max 13 ,)
            int x = 1;
            //GGA Datas
            gpsdata[0] = "$GPRMC,";
            for(int i = 7; i < GPSString.Length; i++)
                if(x >=  RMCData.Length) {}
                else if(GPSString[i] == ',')
                    RMCData[x] += GPSString[i];
            gpsdata[1]  = RMCData[1];
            gpsdata[16] = RMCData[2];    //NavigatorReceiverWarning
            gpsdata[2]  = RMCData[3];
            gpsdata[3]  = RMCData[4];
            gpsdata[4]  = RMCData[5];
            gpsdata[5]  = RMCData[6];
            gpsdata[17] = RMCData[7];    //Speed (Knots)
            gpsdata[18]    = RMCData[8];    //Course Made Good, true
            gpsdata[19] = RMCData[9];    //Date
            gpsdata[20] = RMCData[10];    //Magnetic variation
            gpsdata[21] = RMCData[11];    //Magnetic variation D
            gpsdata[22] = RMCData[12];    //Modus (A = Autonom; D = Differentiell; E = geschätzt (Estimated); N = ungültig (Not valid); S = Simulator) or Checksum (old std)
        public double MagneticVariation    //MagneticVariation
                if(!DataReceived || gpsdata[20] == "")
                    return 0;             
                   return double.Parse(gpsdata[20].Replace(".",","), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
        public string MagneticVariationD    //MagneticVariation D
                    return "";                
                   return gpsdata[21];

        public string Mode    //Mode
                if(!DataReceived | (gpsdata[22] != "A" && gpsdata[22] != "D" && gpsdata[22] != "E" && gpsdata[22] != "N" && gpsdata[22] != "S"))
                    return "";                
                   return gpsdata[22];
        public string NavigatorReceiverWarning    //NavigatorReceiverWarning
                    return "";                
                   return gpsdata[16];
        public double CourseMadeGood    //Course Made Good, true
                if(!DataReceived || gpsdata[18] == "")
                    return 0; 
                   return double.Parse(gpsdata[18].Replace(".",","), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);;
        public double Speed    //Speed over ground (Knots)
                if(!DataReceived || gpsdata[17] == "")
                    return 0;              
                   return double.Parse(gpsdata[17].Replace(".",","), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
        public string Date    //Date
                    return "";    
                if(gpsdata[19] != "")                 
                    return gpsdata[19][0].ToString() + gpsdata[19][1] + "." + gpsdata[19][2] + gpsdata[19][3] + " 20" + gpsdata[19][4] + gpsdata[19][5];
                return "";
        public string Time
                if(!DataReceived || gpsdata[1] == "")
                    return "";     
                if(gpsdata[1] != "") 
                    return gpsdata[1][0].ToString() + gpsdata[1][1] + ":" + gpsdata[1][2] + gpsdata[1][3] + ":" + gpsdata[1][4] + gpsdata[1][5] + " UTC";
                return "";
        public string LastDataset    //LastDataset
                    return "";                
                   return gpsdata[0];
        public double Latitude    //Latitude, Breitengrad
                DataReceived     = true;
                gpsdata[2]        = value.ToString();
                if(!DataReceived || gpsdata[2] == "")
                    return 0; 
                   return double.Parse(gpsdata[2].Replace(".",","), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
        public string LatitudeD    //Latitude D
                DataReceived     = true;
                gpsdata[3]        = value;
                    return "";   
                   return gpsdata[3];
        public double Longitude    //Longitude
                DataReceived     = true;
                gpsdata[4]        = value.ToString();
                if(!DataReceived || gpsdata[4] == "")
                    return 0;    
                   return double.Parse(gpsdata[4].Replace(".",","), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
        public string LongitudeD    //Longitude D
                DataReceived     = true;
                gpsdata[5]        = value;
                    return "";   
                   return gpsdata[5];
        public int GPSType    //0 invalid; 1 GPS fix; 2 diff GPS fix
                    return 0;   
                if(gpsdata[1] != "") 
                    return Convert.ToInt32(gpsdata[6]);
                return 0;
        public int NumberOfSatellites    //Number of Satellites
                    return 0;   
                if(gpsdata[1] != "") 
                    return Convert.ToInt32(gpsdata[7]);
                return 0;
        public double HorizontalDilution    //The Horizontal Dilution
                if(!DataReceived || gpsdata[8] == "")
                    return 0;    
                   return double.Parse(gpsdata[8].Replace(".",","), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
        public double GeoID    //The GeoID (See-Higth)
                if(!DataReceived || gpsdata[9] == "")
                    return 0;    
                   return double.Parse(gpsdata[9].Replace(".",","), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
        public string AntennaHigthUnit    //Antenna height unit
                    return "";   
                   return gpsdata[10];
        public double GeoidalSeparation    //(Diff. between WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and    mean sea level)
                if(!DataReceived || gpsdata[11] == "")
                    return 0;    
                   return double.Parse(gpsdata[11].Replace(".",","), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
        public string GeoidSepUnit    //Units of geoidal separation
                    return "";   
                   return gpsdata[12];
        public int LastDiffRefUpdate    //The Last Difference Reference Update
                    return 0;   
                if(gpsdata[1] != "") 
                    return Convert.ToInt32(gpsdata[13]);
                return 0;

    class GPS 
        public static System.IO.Ports.SerialPort Port;
        public GPSData Data;
        public delegate void GPSDateEventHandler(object sender, GPSData e);
        public event GPSDateEventHandler OnGPSDateEventHandler;
        protected void OnNewData(GPSData e)
            if(OnGPSDateEventHandler != null)
                OnGPSDateEventHandler(this, e);
        public GPS()
            Data = new GPSData();
            Port = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort();
            Port.DataReceived += new System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(SerialDataReceived);
        public void SerialDataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)

        public int OpenComPort(string strPortName)
            if (Port.IsOpen)
                Port.PortName    = strPortName;
                Port.BaudRate    = 4800;
                return 1;
            return 0;
        public GPSData Datas { get { return Data; } }

    class Test
        public Test()
            string Port;
            Port = Console.ReadLine();
            ABC = new GPS();
            if(ABC.OpenComPort(Port) == 1)
                Console.WriteLine(Port + " konnte nicht geoeffnet werden.");
            this.ABC.OnGPSDateEventHandler += new GPS.GPSDateEventHandler(NewGPSData);
        public void NewGPSData(object sender, GPSData e)
            Console.WriteLine(e.Date + " " + e.Time + ": " + e.Latitude + " " + e.LatitudeD + "/" + e.Longitude + " " + e.LongitudeD + " " + e.GeoID + "m" + e.Speed + "Knoten");
        private GPS ABC;

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Sprachenübersicht/C / C++/ C#/GPS/[C#] GPS über serielle Schnittstelle abfragen